an application which decides/picks an item from the given pool
The application has the following functions as of now.
[1]item: The item can be any string - a number, a name, a place, an animal, a thing, an object, etc.
As a Sri Sathya Sai Baba devotee, whenever struck somewhere, we have a habit of writing a few chits, putting them near Swamy and then picking one of the chits. We then blindly follow what is there in the chit as a command from Swamy.
Many people across the globe use the similar concept of picking randomly to decide something, which inspired me to create this application, in general, to solve the problem using an application that is handy and paper-free.
This application uses a clean architecture (feature first) with the help of bloc library for the business logic.
Thanks to the Open Source community for providing many great libraries which improve the application performance in many great ways.
The Privacy Policy of the app is in the site:
The project is licensed under the BSD-3-Clause License, see the for more details